GSO Test

Inspiring all children to create & achieve

Upper Phase

At Earls Colne Primary School and Nursery, the Upper Phase is where our eldest children in Year 5 and Year 6 are taught.

There are 4 classes in the upper phase; 2 in Year 5 and 2 in Year 6.

5W are taught by Mr Wellerd and 5E are taught by Mr Easterbrook.

6S are taught by Miss Smy throughout the week, 6AK are taught by Mrs Knight on Monday and  Tuesday then Mrs Atkinson for the remainder of the week.  Year 6 are based in the new building.

All classes in the Upper Phase are supported by LSAs- Mrs Brown, Mrs Turner, Mrs Forster and Miss Winterbourne- in the morning and they also provide extra support to consolidate learning some afternoons.

Home Learning

Children are expected to read aloud to an adult at home and discuss the text with them at least four times a week. Their reading logs should be signed to show that this has taken place.

It is still important that children practise their times tables and the inverse division facts as this knowledge is used in all other aspects of Maths. Children are expected to play the games on TT Rockstars and recommend the sessions to be 10 minutes long each day. Once a month, we also recommend they complete: Soundcheck, Gig and Garage which are further activities on TT Rockstars.

Maths and English (grammar, spelling or reading related) homework is given out weekly on a Friday and should be returned by the following Friday in order for it to be marked together as a class.




Latest Notices

Plastic Pirates! 


Our middle phase really pulled it out of the bag with incredible performances for the school and their families.